Step by Step… Our Story, Our Mission, Our Vision



  1. “To achieve the greatest success, you require constant MOMENTUM for every little bit of anything that you do, this is one of the swiftest ways to visualize the BIG PICTURE of what success means to you” – Founder Wilsen Initiative (Wi)
  2.  “The only way to do great work is to love what you do… Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs
  3. “There are many talented people who haven’t fulfilled their dreams because they over thought it, or they were too cautious, and were unwilling to make the leap of faith.” – James Cameron
  4.  “Get all your DREAMS in one plate and make your favourite DISH!” Wilsen Initiative Founder. 5. “To achieve the greatest success, you require constant MOMENTUM for every little bit of anything that you do, this is one of the swiftest ways to visualize the BIG PICTURE of what success means to you” – Founder Wilsen Initiative (Wi)
  5.  “If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake.” Bill Gates
  6. “There are no short cuts to performance, it’s either you know what you’re doing and good at it or otherwise.” Wilson Masaka
  7. “The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.” – Daniel J. Boorstin
  8. “The Effect You Have On Others Is The Most Valuable Currency There Is” – Jim Carrey
  9. “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” -Henry David Thoreau
  10. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin
  11. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” ― Benjamin Franklin

The Power Of Sharing

‪#‎Sharing‬ of Skills for Prosperity.

Boaz Creatives  has been a strategic partner in editing our videos. Today we are happy to share some skills in return under the philosophy of Inspiration, Connectivity and Education. We strive to spot talents while utilizing our skills for prosperity. All this assignments were at under zero cost in terms of design and the concept development!

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Learning: Listen & Do – Plus One Talent

Date: 4th April 2015
Venue: GoDown Art Center
Concept: Learning: Listen & Do


During the Easter holiday on 4th April 2015 we had our first youth forum dubbed POT ( Plus One Talent) #BuildingTheBridges, the forum is based on promoting self-discovery, awareness, personal development while also creating a collaborative culture of sharing skills and knowledge. The overall pivot point being 1% IDEAS and 99% ACTION, we target young people from registered community based organizations from the 18 – 30 years who are actively involved in community development projects. Our team is made up of young professionals and experts from diverse field who act as mentors, coach and facilitators of the Plus One Talent (POT).

The event was an invite only due to limited resources; we had the pleasure of having the Majimazuri Center from Mathare, Angaza Sports and development center from Thika and Wilsen members fully represented. On the other hand, we had the great pleasure ofhaving two great inspirational and creative leaders who facilitated the session, namely; Mr. Wilson Masaka the founder of Wilson Initiative currently the Hub Manager at Kilimanjaro Film Institute (Moving Tanzania) and Mr. Patrick Mukabi aka panye who is an international renowned artist based at the Depo arts centre at the Kenya Railways Museum.

Wilson Masaka’s session in summary

Wilson gave a comprehensive introduction of Wilsen Initiative (Wi) concept and key highlights for the main event dubbed POT (Plus One Talent). He also gave an inspiration talk while challenging the participants to take positive initiative in relations to what surrounds them as a source of inspiration and opportunity while loving what they do, and doing what they love.

Doing session: Later the team was challenge on building the tallest tower with the given resources following some guideline that required the team to strategize and work as team.

Patrick Mukabi’s session in summary

Patrick aka ‘Panye; took the team through a drawing process which was really interactive and was geared towards awareness and problem solving techniques among other important life skills. The exercise was titled drawing a representation of our society and how we view things.

Key delivery points;

  • Team works
  • Resource versus resourcefulness
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity

Wilsen Initiative is a registered community based initiative under the society act of Kenya. Since inception, we have been conducting inspirational forums, football tournaments and learning exchange forums with a mission of motivating the young people to pursue their talents and skills utilization for prosperity.

Our vision is to have a society of self-confident young people who inspires positive change using their talents and skills. We believe after the session the skills acquired will help in self development that will ultimately shape different career choices and our main aim is to raise awareness about promoting self discovery and cultures that seek to strive for transformation of different realities in the young person’s life.


wilsen-banner-POTWe promote self discovery, Awareness & Development, we create a collaborative culture of sharing skills & knowledge. (‘The facebook community meets the Linkedin community’ LIVE) Connect with Professionals… You need one extra skill to boost your talent!