Building Bridges Through Connections

‪#‎BuildingBridges‬ Wilsen Initiative We thank Thomas Abungu who is a member of Wilsen Initiative (WI) for his continues support and coordination over the years for Aspire Drive-In team tournament that empowers and spots great talent in football while also providing the much needed resources like footballs, training bibs etc.

Last Sunday, 15 teams that participated in the tournament were awarded each quality Nike football courtesy of Aspire. Were encourage you to step forward and create a link or donate any football kits of your choice, for example football shoes, bibs, footballs, uniforms etc.

football-aspire football-aspire2 football-aspire3Thanks and let us continue with the same spirit of Inspiring, Connect and Educating young people to believe and use their talents and skills for prosperity.

Our Hero July 2015 – Soccer Shoes Campaign

#BuildingBridges #DoingWhatYouLOve #LovingWhatYouDO

There are many forms of rewards that can motivate the young people to pursue their dreams despite different hurdle in the society.

We at Wilsen Initiative (Wi) runs a soccer shoe campaign that is driven
towards enabling all soccer youngster from Mathare North play in a safe
space with the required gears especially the playing shoes.

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We invite you to join us by either buying a shoe or help us connect to
a possible sponsor that would help us in the big cause. So far we have been able
to reach more than 40 youngster since the campaign began. Stand to be counted in Building Bridges for prosperity.

So how do I make my contribution?

You may buy the playing shoes UK size number 5 to 9. or send cash and we will organise for the purchase. One quality playing shoes second hand is approximately Kes 1500 ($15) – Kes 1800 ($18) even though it depends with the number and the design / brand. At the sports shops new shoes are very expensive and not that good quality. Please inbox wilson.masaka[at] to discuss your preferred option of making your contribution.