Right to Play Safe

There are many resources that are hard to come by, for example football, football shoes, playing grounds, playing time, expertise and qualified (role models) coaches to mentor the young people among others.

Football is part of our program within the 3 pillars of Inspiration, Connectivity and Education (ICE). We run small football clinics and annual tournament in Mathare North for the youth of the ages 14yrs and above.

We have our senior and junior team that we support called Mathare North Rangers F.C. The most challenging is getting the resources as mentioned above. We have tried as we can to keep the spirit of the game going, but sometimes it is hard to use only one ball for about the two teams and in this case you will find the young once been denied the chance to play because the seniors always take the priority.

The football shoes campaign is still on and will call on individual, organizations, sports federation etc; to join hands with us in providing the necessary resources for young people in disadvantages communities who have the passion to play.


Since inception, we have at least reached more 40 young players with nice quality shoes as a way of minimizing unnecessary injuries but also to boost the players’ self esteems from a young age to continue playing and void joining other non productive activities that might lead to the use of drugs and substance abuse or joining crime.

#‎RightToPlaySafe‬ ‪#‎BuildingBridges‬ “ I am happy to connect a young person with a quality football shoes at least every month through the football shoes campaign under Wilsen initiative (Wi). It only takes saving my few lunch money to enable a young star acquire playing shoes. I invite you to join hands with me in creating this bridge together through the philosophy of the change that starts with you.” Wilson Masaka Founder Wilsen initiative (Wi)

Sports for Development There are many sports activities that young people need to be involved in to either pursue their career prospects, build connections, learn life skills, stay healthy, have fun, mentor and coach others, acquire parallel education in relation to sports and many others are the immeasurable linkages and opportunities sports brings in building a social fabric of good citizens of our great nations.